A friends mini moog coming my way soon!

Tips and techniques for Minimoog Analog Synthesizers
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A friends mini moog coming my way soon!

Post by pjd3 » Sun Jul 03, 2022 9:19 am

Hi, my names Phil, and thank you for having me here!

At this point its a great relief to see that a forum like this is in existence!

One of my best friends as well as old band brother (we are 64 now) is pulling his vintage mini Moog from his basement to give to me for a restoration back to good performance. I build my own tube amps, pedals and effect for gigging and work as an electronic R&D tech at Zoll Medical (Ventillators and Defibs) so, I was feeling up for the job if not just a bit nervous. This is something you want to do well! Damn, its a vintage mini Moog so it deserves it. Even as a guitarist, the likes of Keith Emerson and Rick Wakeman were the greatest source of amazement and mystification, largely due to there owenership and use of Moog synthesizers as well as being courageous, unique and creative musicians.

My friend is likely far more interested in having a good performer of a synth than being totally true to all things authentic and original so, I'm open to changes and mods that are known to offer improved performance and stability.
I'm not sure what year or iteration this one is yet but it won't be long.
I suspect the keyboard itself is going to need some attention as well as the electronic - purportedly, it did not powerup 30 years ago which was about this last time he attempted a power up. "Don't try to turn it on"!!! I explained about old dried up electrolytic filter caps and what havoc they can wreak should they short out upon a fatal power up.

So thank you again for being here and I'm sure I will be back for some good ol' guidance and direction on the best approaches and restoration techniques to make this thing shine again
I'm really excited about this opportunity!

Phil Donovan -
Reading, Ma.

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Re: A friends mini moog coming my way soon!

Post by ummagumma » Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:57 pm

Sounds like a fun project!

Looking forward to the restoration progress report

Good luck!

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Re: A friends mini moog coming my way soon!

Post by VCO » Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:40 pm

My friend Tony Pia a drummer played for Keith Emerson when Keith toured years ago before Keith sadly left this world

My friend also played for eEdger Winter , the doobie brothers, van Morrison, and others. There’s a utube video of him playing with Edger Winter sadly music is nothing like it was in the 60s and 70s. Music was innovative and had merit then .
All the greats like Jan hammer, Keith Emerson, Rick wakeman, chick corea were ahead of thier time and of course were masters of the Minimoog . I played a Minimoog model D when I was 16 in high school.
A rock band came to our high school and the keyboard player had a model D a poly moog synthesizer and a fender Rhodes stage piano with the round top later came the flat top which I had. The keyboard player had me dust off the keys while setting up his gear. I ended trading a new fender Rhodes for an old poly moog keyboard while I was at the Berkelee college of music in the 80s. The poly moog keyboard wasn’t much of synth it was more of an organ type technology. I even had an obxa I bought for $500 dollars used. Wish I had kept it as well as a sequential circuits pro one I bought in 81 for 700 dollars. Those were the days. I consider myself fortunate to have a moog voyager and a sequential pro 3. Hope your restoration goes well congrats

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